Young Carer Advocacy Project
Meet our Ambassadors!

"I am a passionate advocate for Young Carers, to bring awareness to not only adults but kids as well to know how challenging it is to be a carer."

"I love inspiring and helping others and will bring a passionate and robust youth voice to raise awareness and advocate for Young Carers in similar shoes. "

"Being a Young Carer, I know of the troubles and difficulties many young people face and I wish to make a change within the community. "

"I am passionate about being a Young Carer Ambassador as it corresponds with my views - I enjoy helping others and my community, I find serotonin in it!"

"I'm lucky to have been provided support to ensure I completed my schooling and I want to ensure other Young Carers are afforded the same opportunities. "

"I am passionate about the Young Carer Advocacy Program as I feel together we can have an impact and change the way Young Carers are viewed by the community and policy makers. "

"I am passionate for Young Carers' voices and experiences to be legitimised and heard. I believe through the Young Carer Advocacy Project this can be achieved."

"I am interested in sharing and understanding Young Carers from diverse backgrounds - specifically, how the intersection of identities and experiences shape a person."

"I am passionate about advocating for Young Carers, because I feel like there is so much that I could learn from the experience, and there is so much that people don't know about what it is like to be a Young Carer."

"Living in rural New South Wales has meant that I have grown accustom to the inequality and struggles people face daily, and this has fuelled my passion for change and equality for Young Carers."

"My life-long role as a carer for my brothers, who both have Autism and a range of mental and physical health conditions, has motivated me to strive for better support for other Young Carers. "

"I am extremely passionate about this role because I would like to share my story of being a Young Carer and how it has affected me as an individual, as well as create awareness for the support programs that exist."

"As a Young Carer Ambassador, I believe that my worldly knowledge on advocacy will enable me to assist future Young Carers right around Australia."
"I am a carer for my dad, who had a major heart attack and brain injury in early 2018. I do not let caring for him get in the way of living life and I want to advocate for Young Carers to feel the same."
"Having taken on a variety of caring roles within my family, I am eager to advocate for Young Carers in similar situations. I am passionate about contributing to a future where no one is left behind."