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Young Carer Advocacy Project

3 Little Dreamers staff and 1 Young Carer stand in a row, holding a large sign in front of them that reads 'thank you carers'. They are attending a Carers Week event at Parliament House.

The Young Carer Advocacy Project (YCAP)

AGES 12 - 25
3 Little Dreamers staff and 1 Young Carer stand in a row, holding a large sign in front of them that reads 'thank you carers'. They are attending a Carers Week event at Parliament House. 3 Little Dreamers staff and 1 Young Carer stand in a row, holding a large sign in front of them that reads 'thank you carers'. They are attending a Carers Week event at Parliament House.

The Young Carer Advocacy Project is an Australia-wide initiative designed to give Young Carers a platform to influence their community and create policy change across Australia.

We’ve conducted focus groups right across the country with over 300 Young Carers aged 15 to 24, giving them the opportunity to voice their thoughts, feelings and recommendations around the current support accessible to Young Carers in Australia.

From there, we worked with a smaller group of 16 Young Carer Ambassadors to develop a policy report, which will guide the Australian Government on how to better recognise and support young Australians with caring roles.

Summary report Full report
Young Carer, Aylin, holds a microphone and reads off her phone as she makes a speech at her Big Dreamers graduation event. She wears a white t-shirt and black and white checked pants. Next to her, slightly out of frame, stands another Young Carer looking ahead to the audience and waiting to make her speech.

What's Involved?

Step 1. Conduct focus groups with Young Carers in every state

We’ve used these findings to inform our final policy report around support for Young Carers in Australia, which you can read above.

Step 2. Undertake workshops and training with our Young Carer Ambassadors 

We’re working with a group of 16 Young Carer Ambassadors from right across Australia to complete media training and personal development workshops, as well as undertaking regular consultations to contribute to our policy report.

Step 3. Present the policy report to politicians

The completed policy report will be presented to key leaders of the Australian parliament in Canberra.

Step 4. Continue advocacy with Young Carer Ambassadors

We’re continuing to work with our Young Carer Ambassadors using the findings of our policy report to advocate for change and raise awareness.

Make Life Better

Meet our Ambassadors!

Young Carer Advocacy Project

"I am a passionate advocate for Young Carers, to bring awareness to not only adults but kids as well to know how challenging it is to be a carer."

Young Carer Advocacy Project

"I love inspiring and helping others and will bring a passionate and robust youth voice to raise awareness and advocate for Young Carers in similar shoes. "

Young Carer Advocacy Project

"Being a Young Carer, I know of the troubles and difficulties many young people face and I wish to make a change within the community. "

Young Carer Advocacy Project

"I am passionate about being a Young Carer Ambassador as it corresponds with my views - I enjoy helping others and my community, I find serotonin in it!"

Young Carer Advocacy Project

"I'm lucky to have been provided support to ensure I completed my schooling and I want to ensure other Young Carers are afforded the same opportunities. "

Young Carer Advocacy Project

"I am passionate about the Young Carer Advocacy Program as I feel together we can have an impact and change the way Young Carers are viewed by the community and policy makers. "

Young Carer Advocacy Project

"I am passionate for Young Carers' voices and experiences to be legitimised and heard. I believe through the Young Carer Advocacy Project this can be achieved."

Young Carer Advocacy Project

"I am interested in sharing and understanding Young Carers from diverse backgrounds - specifically, how the intersection of identities and experiences shape a person."

Young Carer Advocacy Project

"I am passionate about advocating for Young Carers, because I feel like there is so much that I could learn from the experience, and there is so much that people don't know about what it is like to be a Young Carer."

Young Carer Advocacy Project

"Living in rural New South Wales has meant that I have grown accustom to the inequality and struggles people face daily, and this has fuelled my passion for change and equality for Young Carers."

Young Carer Advocacy Project

"My life-long role as a carer for my brothers, who both have Autism and a range of mental and physical health conditions, has motivated me to strive for better support for other Young Carers. "

Young Carer Advocacy Project

"I am extremely passionate about this role because I would like to share my story of being a Young Carer and how it has affected me as an individual, as well as create awareness for the support programs that exist."

Young Carer Advocacy Project

"As a Young Carer Ambassador, I believe that my worldly knowledge on advocacy will enable me to assist future Young Carers right around Australia."

"I am a carer for my dad, who had a major heart attack and brain injury in early 2018. I do not let caring for him get in the way of living life and I want to advocate for Young Carers to feel the same."

"Having taken on a variety of caring roles within my family, I am eager to advocate for Young Carers in similar situations. I am passionate about contributing to a future where no one is left behind."

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