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Why are Peer Support programs so important for Young Carers?

October 16th, 2024

Categories: Blog,News

Quite a common answer we get to this question directly from Young Carers is “I met other kids just like me…. I no longer feel like I’m alone” or “I found a place where I feel like I belong”….. Another piece of feedback that caught my attention recently was that the Young Carer felt encouraged by others within the group to speak up for herself.

Sit with that for a minute – close your eyes if you will….

In a world where routines may be centred around the care recipient’s needs or capacity, speaking up for your own needs as a Young Carer might be a brand-new skill, integral to your growth as an individual. Early intervention offerings such as the Peer Support program create that opportunity for this shared learning and personal growth, whilst exploring various topics.

Connection, Hope, Identity Meaning and Empowerment. The core themes from the evidence-based CHIME Model, which is centric to our Peer Support programs. Creating engaging and strengths-based programs which are led by Young Carers’ interests, our focus is on building trust and a sense of community within the group.

(Dis-)Connection in a fast-evolving digital era poses its own challenges that are slowly coming to light. Throw together in the mix being a Young Carer with limited access to activities or friendships outside of the school / work  / home environment and we potentially have many disconnected Young People. Loneliness and isolation are significantly detrimental to emotional and physical health. The Peer Support program aims to eliminate this disconnection by bringing Young Carers together, providing them with space to share commonalities and build relationships. Teaching staff from a school reported witnessing Young Carers “transforming themselves through shared common experiences. Shared understandings are powerful experiences that help Young Carers build their self-worth, leading to better self-esteem and belief in their leadership abilities.” 

Sit with this, shall we? Consider a world where Young Carers all have the space to engage within a Peer Support program, connect with other children / young people just like them, and fill their wellbeing buckets right up to the brim. At Little Dreamers, we strive to make this dream a reality, one Young Carer at a time…. Whether it be creating new friendships during a 3 day camp in the outback, connecting Young Carers in remote regions with online programs, forming communities within schools, sharing enjoyment at a theme park (School Holiday Programs), or in collaboration to provide Peer Support with various organisations that support our work. 

Now, this is the last time that I’ll request that you close your eyes… but this time, can you consider what it might mean for you to feel supported, seen, valued and heard as an individual.

Once you open your eyes, hold onto how that felt…. This is our mission in supporting Young Carers within our Peer Support programs. Ensuring that each and every Young Carer feels supported, seen, valued and heard.

If you’d like to join us and help to support Young Carers continue to participate in vital programs like Peer Support, consider becoming a regular donor!

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Thank you to all of the inspiring Young Carers out there. We see you.

Take care,


Peer Support Practice Lead (Carer Gateway Region QLD & NSW 2)

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